Stirling Mixed Bonspiel
Saturday 28 December 2024, 08:00am - 05:00pm
by Joe Zimny
The Stirling Curling Club will be holding the Maple Dale Mixed Cheese BonSpiel again this year on Dec 28, 2024. It will be a one day event this year, due to it falling on a Saturday. There will be three 6 end games for each team. $200 plus HST = $226/team. 
First draws will be at 9 and 11 with random 8 teams playing for 6 ends.
Lunch will be 12-1:30pm. 
Second draws will be at 2 and 4pm with winners playing winners; and losers playing losers. Eight teams at each time for 6 ends.
Third draws will be at 6:30pm and 8:30pm. Winners play winners. Losers play losers.
Bonspiel winner will be the team with most wins and most ends won. All teams will receive Cheese prizes - per preference of our sponsor Maple Dale Cheese. Top three teams will receive extra cheese and wine!! 
In addition to everyone getting Maple Dale cheese this year for prizes, we are excited to announce that:
First prize $600
Second prize $400
Third prize $200
Sandwiches, Fresh Curd and Veggie trays will be available after 5:30pm. 
If you are again interested this year, please complete your registration online at our website or email registration to Alan Kester (email above). Kindly proceed with the payment, via e-transfer
to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-linkindex="0">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or etransfer convenor or bring the payment along on your team's first draw—whatever
method is more convenient for your team. 
Lets make this another great Bonspiel event to end 2024. 

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85 Elizabeth St.
PO Box 636
Brighton ON   K0K 1H0

Phone:613 475-1637

Email: [email protected]

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