Juniors Membership Info

Our junior curlers call themselves the Brighton Bobcats. New members are always welcome.

Bobcats curling is every Sunday from 1 – 3pm. For everyone from 8 to 17 years of age. 

Children under 13 will be part of the Little Rocks, and 13+ will be considered Bantam.

Our focus is on skills development, team play and curling strategies for both the beginner and experienced young curler. If you are interested, there are opportunities to compete against other clubs and to participate in local bonspiels.

Curling is an affordable winter sport — only $80 per season. We provide brooms and sliders. We also very strongly recommend that novice curlers wear their own protective headgear or helmets while on the ice. Once a curler has achieved an appropriate level of proficiency and confidence, it is up to the curler or guardian whether to continue to wear the protective headgear or helmet.

The on-line registration period is during September. During that time, just look for the “Register” and “Join” buttons on the Home page.  

 See photos from our Facebook album - Little Rockin' and Bantam Bonspiel 2017 - Brighton and District Curling Club's 1st Annual Junior Bospiel Facebook link    

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Upcoming Events

30 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Closing Spiel
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2 day Mixed Curling
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2 day Mixed Curling
06 Apr 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
11 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Last day of league play

Contact Us

85 Elizabeth St.
PO Box 636
Brighton ON   K0K 1H0

Phone:613 475-1637

Email: [email protected]

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