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April 23, 2024

Our Canadian champions. Congratulations to Nancy Sheppard and Caroline Watt. They won the Women's Division of the 2024 Canadian Stick Nationals. The event was hosted by the Leaside Curling club in Toronto. The following link shows the moment after they secured the final game victory, followed by a couple of photos of Nancy and Caroline with the trophy. 

Link to clips


March 23, 2024

March 23, 2024 was Rookie Day in Brighton! We had 14 teams participate in this year’s Rookie Spiel, for curlers with two years or less experience. We had teams from Whitby, Cobourg, Campbellford, Quinte, Trenton and Picton as well as 8 Brighton teams.

Winners of the first draw were “The Grim Sweepers”, from Whitby (skip Tony La Duca, vice Adrian Lake, 2nd Nice Chan and lead Elton Silva) and the winners of the second draw and overall winners were our own home team, “The Not-So-Wild Hogs”, ably skipped by Kathleen Bowes, with vice Craig Stover, 2nd Tracey McNaught and lead Nikki Lance.

Curlers enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by Sue Joly and her crew: Mona Blaker, John Holmes, Rita Alexander, Lisa Loder and Gale Hardaker. Our curlers were well looked after by bartenders Mike and Mary Hope, Kathy Tidy and Van Quinn.

Many thanks to Neil for the great ice, Bob Smith as drawmaster, Nancy Saunders as Raffle Master and especially to man-of-many-jobs, Paul Donovan.

Convenors Lisa Donovan and Louise Lance kept things moving and a fun day was had by all.

View the photo album

 Grim Sweepers sized Not So Wild Hogs 
 “The Grim Sweepers”, from Whitby (skip Tony La Duca, vice Adrian Lake, 2nd Nice Chan and lead Elton Silva) “The Not-So-Wild Hogs”, ably skipped by Kathleen Bowes, with vice Craig Stover, 2nd Tracey McNaught and lead Nikki Lance. 

March 3, 2024

Another successful Steerspiel! Brighton Curling Club celebrated it's 56 annual Steerspiel with 16 teams competing. The bonspiel started Saturday, March 3 and finished on Sunday, March 4.

It was appreciated to see so many interested viewers watching the curling over the weekend.
There was great comraderie and good curling.

Saturday a great lunch was provided by the curling club volunteers, with dinner being catered. Sunday was light snacks, muffins, tarts, other sweets along with pizza for lunch.
The bar was well stocked and attended!

Thank you very much to all volunteers, kitchen, bar and in general.

Special thanks to Neil Taylor for continuous work on the ice and also for providing a team at the last minute.



Brian Brose
Steve Miller

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 A winner—Quinte CC—Bill Hope, Jason Hope, Trevor Nemish and Craig Watson  B winner—Brighton CC—Karrie Graham, Neil Harder, Bill Rickard and Julie Rickard
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 C winner—West Northumberland CC—AJ Penny, Christine Penney, Shawn McLeod and Wes Witlox  D winner—Brighton CC—Owen Gibb, Doug Young, Murray Gibb and Devon Gibb. (3 generations of curling family)
February 24, 2024

Barbie isn’t the only one who looks good in pink! 32 ladies dressed in their pinkest finery competed for the coveted Pink Flamingo Trophy at the annual running of the Pink Flamingo Ladies Funspiel on February 24, 2024. The day included 2 6 end games and a delicious lunch, prepared by Linda Rawlings and her volunteers. Mark McLeod handled the draw and the scorekeeping, and Louise Lance directed the traffic. The event was won by the team of Debbie Loshaw, Doris Smith, Joan Doomernik and Sheila Daubney. The prize for “The Most Pink” went to the always lovely Pam Godden. Many thanks to Neil Taylor for the great ice, and our kitchen and bar volunteers for making the day an enjoyable one for all of our curlers.

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February 17, 2024

What a fun Valentine’s Day Spiel 2024! Thanks to all for great curling and the enthusiastic participation in the “Minute-to-Win It” games.

A big thank you to Caroline and Brian Watt for the delicious lunch with a barbecue donated from Dan from Brighton Home Building Centre. Thanks to Draw Masters Paul & Lynn Armstrong and all the volunteers!

First Draw winners - Tie for 1st –  Joanne Arbour, Larry Arbour, Gerry Cunningham, Janice Lewis; Don Shepard, Nancy Shepard, Corri Burke, Andrew Burke.

Tie for 3rd – Guy Gaumond, Janice Gaumond, Nancy Griffith, John Griffith; Mark Macleod, Debbie Harvey-Carter, John Misfud, Susan Ruffo.

Second Draw Winners – 1st - Don Graham, Linda Pelley, Theresa Richter, Shirley Brown.

2nd - Chris Robinson, Glenna Chestnut, Ann Vowles, Doug Vowles.

3rd - Maurice Giroux, Brian Hollingsworth, Sarah Graham, Jennifer Smith.

Looking forward to doing it all again next year!

Wendy Ervine, Bonspiel Convenor

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More photos are in THIS ALBUM
February 10, 2024
Please welcome our newest graduates of the 2023 Adult Learn to Curl programme.  34 curlers finished the course and along with 16 curlers from last year’s group, have formed the 2024 Rookie League. Many thanks to our dedicated group of instructors, led by the incredible Louise Lance:  Lisa Donovan, Brian Watt, Rick Wong, Johanne Seccareccia, Dave Kerrigan, Susan Hubbard, Nancy Sheppard, Bob and Karin Smith, Laura Nikolic and Greg Dirksen. And thank you to Neil Taylor for the great ice every week.  group picture 2023
December 5, 2023
The Team of Watt participated in the Cobourg Tartan & Tinsel November 25th! Team members were Joan Selwood, Lynn Marshall, Nancy Davidson, and Caroline Watt. One close loss (to the spiel winners...ouch) and one win. We may not have placed but we enjoyed a wonderful lunch, fun company and did well at the raffle table!! Hope to return next year.
 Brighton Watt
November 23, 2023

Heiferspiel 2023

Our 56th Annual Heiferspiel welcomed sixteen teams on November 18th to eat, drink and have a lot of fun! Amongst that activity, there was also some very fine curling taking place.

Early draw winners:
1st (and also first overall) – Team Glover (Trenton)
2 = Team Willemson – (Quinte Curling Club, Belleville)
3 = Team Cassibo – (Tweed Curling Club)

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Team Glover (Trenton)  Team Willemson (Belleville) Team Cassibo (Tweed)


Late draw winners
1st place – a tie! Teams Tighe (Trenton) and MacDougall (Campbellford)
3rd place – our very own Team Joly

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Teams Tighe (Trenton) and
Team MacDougall (Campbellford) 
Team Joly (Brighton) 



Our apologies to the Tuesday morning league curlers…. We missed putting this post up.

Halloween Apples - October 31st saw the Tuesday morning curlers decked out and determined (to have fun that is!). Characters one and all as you can see in these pictures.


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Joanne Thompson  Neil Fincham  Christine Banister and
Charlene McCooeye 
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Symen Korver  Manny Bauer and
Pam Godden-Davies 
Linda Rawlings and Greg Dirksen 
November 2, 2023

Rocking it at Murray Centennial - Our club sponsored another day of Rocks and Rings, this time at Murray Centennial Public School. On October 26th, 188 students in Grades 4 to 6, spent their physical education class time with a Rocks and Rings instructor. Invitations were sent home to invite them to try the real thing, in Brighton or Trenton.

Plans are underway to bring the program to other schools in Brighton this fall.

Thanks to the Egg Farmers of Canada, who work with Curling Canada, to offer this fun introduction to curling at a reasonable cost. And big thanks to our Annual Garage Sale volunteers who make it possible for us to fund the program.

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A Spooky Spiel Indeed! Our annual Club Opening Spiel was so close to Halloween, we just couldn’t resist using the chance to get down and spooky! Thanks to the full draw of curlers, many of whom were true Halloween gamers! Many accolades to the volunteer crews. Nothing good happens without all of you.

First place winners (score of 32) – The Creepy Crawlers. Sue Joly, Gerry Cunningham, Barry Kirkness, Lisa Donovan. Second place winners (score of 31.75) – The Bone Shakers. Larry Arbour, Allalie Stewart, Mark MacLeod, Janal Bechtold. Third place winners (score of 22.75) – The Monster Mashers. Paul Donovan, John Eaton, Michael Black, Sue McClure. The other teams - Ghost Busters, Horror Shows, Spider Webs, Gory Goblins and the Pumpkin Heads – had this to say: 

“To be last does not mean we lose,

Though it’s an ending we wouldn’t all choose.

But we had lots of fun

Though no games were won,

And the winners had to buy all our booze!”

Spooky spiel 2

September 27, 2023
Why do we have such a great club?  VOLUNTEERS !!! The many members who made this year's Applefest such a success for us, must be commended.  Here sare some details.
And Here is the Album
August 6, 2023
Mark your calendar. Registration will be  open - from Saturday Sept 16 until Saturday Sept 30. There will only be one registration window for this season. This year's Fall registration must also be used for any 2nd half league registrations.
March 25, 2023

The closing spiel of the 2023 Season was a huge success.  14 teams played two games along with on-ice games of Black Jack and Poker!  There were team prizes for the best poker hand, black jack hand, and team draw to the button.   First place in the bonspiel went to Team Gibb.  Murray Gibb, Suzanne  Scanlon, Kathleen Bowes and John Holmes as seen in the picture below.  Second place was a tie between Team Ron Ruffo and Team Ray Miller.  This was broken by the team draw to the button totals, resulting in Team Ruffo taking second prize.  A wonderful lunch was followed by an afternoon of casino games using play money.  It was a very busy day, but the wonderful turn out and lots of happy curlers having fun made for a great completion to the curling season. Thanks to all that attended and the volunteers that helped to pull this event together.    Be sure to sign up early for you space in this great event next season!

Lisa Donovan.

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March 18, 2023
The third running of the BDCC Rookie spiel took place on Saturday, March 18, 2023. Congratulations to Carolyn Campbell (skip), Mark Penney (vice), Michael Black (2nd) and Fiona Black (lead) who came first over a field of 8 teams from Brighton, Ennismore and Campbellford Curling Clubs.  Coming in second was the team of Derek Treffry, Nancy Douse, John Griffith and Janal Bechthold, and third place was taken by the team of Rick Hebert, Josee Leclerc, Ray and Carolyn Chodura.  It was a fun day with many thanks to all of our participants and the great team of volunteers that made it all happen.  
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March 15, 2023
Congratulations to the team of Mary Gibb (skip), Joan Selwood (vice), Allalie Stewart (second) and Louise Lance (lead) for being the overall winners of the Stirling Ladies St Patrick’s Day Bonspiel, held March 15, 2023.  The Stirling organizing team is fantastic and  win or lose, it’s always a great bonspiel!
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March 6, 2023
Well - that's a wrap for the 55th Annual Brighton Steerspiel. And the winners were:
- 1st event - from the East Northumberland Curling Club (Cobourg)  - picture 1 below - Jeremy Fowlie, Chad Munnay, Ian Hartford, Dave Nugent, and Brian Sheehan
-2nd event - from Brighton - Don Sheppard, Al Lowe, Nancy Sheppard, Jim Moore and Paul Langevin
-3rd event - from the Oshawa Curling Club - picture 2 below - Craig Jewer, Lee Ann Jewer, Kaitlen Jewer, and Brian Darling
-4th event - from Brighton - Trevor Brewer, Bryan Bruneau, Stephen Bruneau and Jason Botting
For the record, we also had Brighton teams in the 1st event final (Keri Graham, Steve Orr, Bill Rickard, Jon Koopman), and the 3rd event final (Ray Lobban, Lisa Donovan, Jim Moore, Ian Graham)
Congratulations and a big thank you to all the participants and volunteers !!!  You have made this another very successful event.
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March 1, 2023

When we speak of curlers and kids, we most often share news of our work in schools to promote curling.  Our Applefest Dance Party volunteers found another way to connect curlers and kids.  The 2022 Applefest Dance Party included a Silent Auction with half of the proceeds ($1150) going to School Food Programs.  

Last year close to 6000 students in Northumberland County benefited from a breakfast, lunch, or snack program at school. These programs are open to all and promote healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. You can learn more about the program here:    Northumberland Food For Thought

In January, BDCC Board member Brian Hollingsworth presented our donation to the food programs at Brighton Public School ($500), Smithfield Public School ($325) and Spring Valley Public School ($325). Thanks to Jody Villeneuve and Jackie Naish for leading the way!    The donations were very much appreciated by the staff, students and volunteers.

These are the local businesses who donated goods to the silent auction: MBA Sports; Deloitte; Willow Boutique; The Clan Shoppe; City Stasis; The Gables; Cozy Nibblers; Giant Tiger; Firing Time; County Emporium;McKesson; The Bird House; Pet Valu; Asham; Free Flow; G Boyd Boutique; Findings on King; Saliga; Rhonda Hough; A&W; Archer Farms; Napanee Home Hardware; 1812 Antiques and Gardens; Main Street Antiques & Furniture; Trenton Shoppers Drug Mart; Sunflower Health Foods.

BPS food program
BPS thank you
February 28, 2023
The club was awash in pink for the annual Pink Flamingo Ladies Bonspiel, held this year on February 25, 2023.  Congratulations to the winners :  Caroline Watt (skip), Allalie Stewart (vice), Brenda Harp (2nd) and Nancy Davidson (lead).  Wendy Ervine won the prize for Most Pink, and though there was no prize for it, “Fred Flemengo” was definitely the winner in the “Cutest Bartender” category. (Sorry, Maurice!).   Many thanks to the kitchen and bar volunteers and a very special thank you to our drawmaster Bob Smith, and our kitchen convenor, Linda Rawlings, who both stepped in at the last minute to help out.  Our club thrives because of our great volunteeers!
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 More photos - Click on Here
February 17, 2023
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️ What a great time this past Saturday hosting the Valentine Spiel. 
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated in not only curling but in the “Minute To Win It” games.  
Early draw winners - Joanne Arbour, Larry Arbour, Janice Lewis & Gerry Cunningham. Late draw winners - Mark McLeod, Sue Joly, Pete Moskaluk & Sue McClure.
Thanks also to the volunteers who helped with the Spiel. 
We are looking forward to doing it next year!   Wendy Ervine and Sherry Kuipers.
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 To see more photos, just CLICK ON HERE
January 30, 2023
The Brighton Ladies team of Caroline Watt, Lisa Donovan, Joan Selwood and Bets Lobban attended the Marmora Ladies Bonspiel January 25th. A second place finish for the team. It was  fun day, but what a snowy drive home. Thanks to Bets Lobban's exceptional navigational skills -  we made it safely home😊. Such a friendly club! We're hoping to return next year. 
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January 25, 2023
The Brighton team of Sue Joly, Louise Lance, Joan Selwood and Sue McClure took part in the Ladies Annual Bonspiel at Bancroft on Saturday, January 21, 2023.  The theme was “If the broom fits, ride it! ". Their curling didn’t win any prizes but they did win the prize for the best team outfits, and they had a lot of fun.
January 9, 2023
Great start to the new year. Thanks to the Trenton Curling Club for a great Denim and Diamonds bonspiel. Our ladies team comprised of Brighton members Joanne Arbour, Lori Eaton, Janice Lewis, and Doris Smith. They won the Diamonds event !!!
 December 20, 2022
Congratulations to the newest graduates of the 2022 Adult Learn to Curl programme.  We have 31 new curlers all ready to play!   Many thanks to our wonderful team of volunteer instructors who came out every Monday night to share their skill and knowledge of our favourite game:  Brian Watt, Grace and Jim Anderson, Lisa Donovan, Johanne Seccareccia, Lynn Marshall, Wendy Ervine, Otto Richter, Nancy Sheppard, Karin and Bob Smith, and Rick Wong.
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December 15, 2022
With thanks to donations made in memory of Janine Dunk, Rocks and Rings came to Brighton this week. Over two days, about 300 students in Grades 4 to 8 learned the basics of our great game.
The students have been invited to come out and try the real thing.   Judging from the excitement that was everywhere, it's likely we'll have some new Brighton Bobcats in the new year.
Thanks again so much to Sandra Dunk and her family for their support of our junior program.
 rocks and rings
December 8, 2022
Greetings!    Your Board of Directors has arranged for you, your friends and families to attend a group night event with the Belleville Senators.  They look forward to welcoming all of us.
Here is the special link for the event on Saturday, January 21st.   The discount ticket rate is $21.50 (with tax).  Order your tickets directly using the link.  These make a great last minute holiday gift!
December 3, 2022
Congratulations to Al Lowe, Neil Taylor, Ron Johnson, and Guy Gaumond. They won yesterday's Campbelford Empire Cheese Farmer's Spiel. Let's get cheesy...... Sweet dreams are made of cheese. Who am I to diss a brie? I cheddar the world, and the feta cheese. Everybody's looking for stilton.
Farmers Spiel 22 Al Lowe team
 April 12th, 2022
That’s a wrap!! Last day of juniors for the 2021/2022 season. Huge thank you to Stephen Bruneau and Jim Millar, coaches extraordinare! Inspiring the next generation of curlers. Thanks to all the juniors for making this season a success. See you next year!
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Upcoming Events

14 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Campbellford 2-Person 2-Day Bonspiel
16 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
18 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Peterborough Ladies
21 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2-day Men's Spiel
22 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Rookie Spiel
23 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
25 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Kingston Grandmothers and Grand Aunts
30 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Closing Spiel
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2 day Mixed Curling
05 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2 day Mixed Curling
06 Apr 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
11 Apr 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Last day of league play

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85 Elizabeth St.
PO Box 636
Brighton ON   K0K 1H0

Phone:613 475-1637

Email: [email protected]

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