Is the location of menus and tabs dependent on the type of device being used?

If you are using a larger-screen device like a desktop or laptop computer, you can find more info about our club and facilities, under the various major tabs which are located on the top of the Home page. The sub-tabs expose more specific information such as: Leagues, Bonspiels, Memberships, Events, Rentals, Photos, etc.

If you are using a smaller-screen device like a tablet or smart phone, more information about our club and facilities can be found under the menu icon of your mobile device. The menu icon is usually a blue or black square with white horizontal lines, usually located in the top right-hand of your screen. It looks something like this meno icon v2Under this menu icon and the other sub-menus, you can then access other information such as: Leagues, Bonspiels, Memberships, Events, Rentals, Photos, etc. 


Quickest way to find information or sub-menus?

Click Here


Looking for specific member-only info or function?

Do a Member Login. Then click on the Member's Menu link, located at the top of the Club and Member News.


Questions about accessing members-only information and menus?

Some common questions and answers for members are here - Members' Q/A


Your are a new potential curler and require info about the sport?

This doc has some common questions and answers - New Curler Info


Still having problems finding what you need?

When all else fails, feel free to use one of the email Contact  Us links - either at the top or bottom of the Home page screen.


Member Login

Upcoming Events

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Contact Us

85 Elizabeth St.
PO Box 636
Brighton ON   K0K 1H0

Phone:613 475-1637

Email: [email protected]

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