Curling Basics and Reference Links

About the Sport

Curling has a long and rich history. While its origins are lost in the mists of time, Scottish curlers already were playing the game by the beginning of the 16th century on frozen ponds and lochs.

Their earliest equipment included stones formed by nature, each one unique. These stones often curved, or “curled,” as they slid down the ice, and the players used besoms or brooms to clear snow and debris from the path of the stones.

Today, curling is a game of strategy, finesse and strength, contested by teams generally comprised of four players. The principle of curling is simple – get your stone closer the center of the target circles, called the “house,” than your opponent. Players of all skill levels can participate and compete even at older ages than most sports allow.

Respect, honor and tradition are core elements of the game. Curlers are close knit and you can rely on a warm welcome in curling clubs throughout the world. Camaraderie among players is inherent in the sport and tradition calls for both teams to sit together after a game, discussing what was and what might have been.

Come join us.

New to Curling? Here are some useful tips. 

  • Ice level temperature is approximately 5 Celsius/40 degrees F. It’s best to wear a light jacket or fleece over a warm shirt. Thin flexible gloves are also a great idea. Curling requires a little stretching and you will be more comfortable wearing pants that are loose.
  • Headgear. The Club recommends that you wear either a headband or helmet while on the ice.
  • Clean Shoes. The ice needs to be clean, debris from dirty shoes can make the rocks behave erratically and cause damage to the ice. Please bring a separate pair of clean shoes you do not wear outdoors. There is a changing room and lockers downstairs for men and for women.
  • The Club recommends that you wear grippers on both feet while on the ice, except when delivering a rock. Do not step onto the ice with your slider.
  • No food is allowed on the ice.
  • Sliders, curling brushes and sticks are provided by the Club free of charge.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before start time for ice preparations: put on shoes, warm-ups, shoe taping, etc.
  • Please leave the scores on the board at the end of each game.
  • If you have to miss a curling game please get a replacement from the bye team or list of spares posted by the ice entrance & advise your skip.


A 2 Minute Guide to Curling



Curling Etiquette


Start with a handshake. At the beginning of the game, greet the members of the opposing team with a handshake, tell them your name, and wish them “Good Curling”.

Finish with a handshake. When the game is over, offer each of the players a hearty handshake and move off the ice. The winning curlers traditionally offer their counterparts some refreshments.

Keep the ice clean. Change your shoes. Sand, grit and dirt are the ice’s worst enemy. The shoes you wear should only be used for curling. Keep them clean.

Compliment good shots, no matter which team makes them. Respect your opponent.

Be ready. Take your position in the hack as soon as your opponent has delivered his/her stone. Keep the game moving; delays detract from the sport.

Be prepared to sweep as soon as your teammate releases the rock.

After delivering your stone, move to the side of the sheet between the “hog “ lines, unless you are the skip. Leads and seconds are not permitted in “house” or “rings”, except when sweeping or to remove the stones after the count has been determined by the vices.

Be courteous. Don’t distract your opponent in the hack. Sweepers should stay on the sidelines between the hog lines when not sweeping.

Place your skip’s rock in front of the hack to help speed up the game.

All games on the ice should run approximately the same time. Therefore, if your game is an end or two behind all other games you should pick up the pace. Each player should be ready to deliver their rock when their skip puts down the broom. 

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Game

An article from Curl Canada. Press on this LINK


Curling News and Tutorials (via Reference Manuals, Videos, and You Tube Clips)

There are 3 governing bodies that provide a wide range of curling material. 

  • the Ontario Curling Council (OCC) provides common education and skills development for the Ontario Curling Association (OCA) and the Northern Ontario Curling Asscotiation (NOCA). The OCC site has links for video clips, webinars, and lnks to a You Tube channel. This is the link to OCC.
  • The Ontario Curling Association (OCA) also has some education and certification material, along with links to bonspiels around the province. OCA link.
  • Curling Canada has various videos, You Tube,  and downloadable reference manuals that cover an array of curling instructional material. Subjects that are covered include:delivery, sweeping, rock delivery, stick curling. It also carries a lot of coverage of national and internation events. Curling Canada link. Much of the video material and highlight reels have also been moved their Curlling Canada YouTube channel 




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16 Feb 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
19 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Bradford Senior Mens
19 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Lakefield Senior Men
22 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Pink Flamingo
22 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Napanee Highland Lassie
22 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Peterborough Novice Bonspiel
23 Feb 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Steerspiel
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Newmarket Senior Mixed
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Haliburton Women's Bonspiel
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Picton Mixed
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville Senior Men
02 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Brighton Steerspiel
02 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Simcoe 2-Day Ladies
08 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Hamilton Open Bonspiel
09 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
14 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Campbellford 2-Person 2-Day Bonspiel
16 Mar 2025;
03:30PM - 05:30PM
Practice Ice
18 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Peterborough Ladies
21 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Belleville 2-day Men's Spiel

Contact Us

85 Elizabeth St.
PO Box 636
Brighton ON   K0K 1H0

Phone:613 475-1637

Email: [email protected]

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