BDCC is hosting the Applefest 50th Anniversary Dance Party!
To mark the milestone 50th anniversary of Applefest, your Brighton & District Curling Club is sponsoring the Applefest 50th Anniversary Dance Party! This event will be held in conjunction with the Municipality of Brighton’s Fireworks and Drone display on September 28 beginning at 8 p.m. at the King Edward Park, adjacent to the Brighton Curling Club.
Come celebrate and dance the night away with entertainment by The Jade Monkeys, a six piece band from Mississauga. The band has both a female and male vocalist that allows them to preform an extensive playlist of music from rock to rhythm and blues and country.
The doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the band will begin their first set just as the Fireworks and Drone display concludes.
Enjoy dancing in the Curling Club Arena or sit, watch and listen to the band from the Club Lounge.
Tickets are only $20 available on or in Brighton at Pollywogs, The Shoe Store or The Birdcage.
Come out and dance the night away and support the Brighton and District Curling Club!
Calling for volunteers! If you are able to help out for this event, please email us a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.